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WRC Quarterly Zine: Research  – June 2024

June Enews 2024

WRC Quarterly Zine: Advocacy – March 2024

February Enews 2024

WRC Quarterly Zine: Childcare and Caring – Oct 2023

WRC Quarterly Zine: Education, Training and Work – July 2023

June Enews 2023

May Enews 2023

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – May 2023

April Enews 2023

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – April 2023

WRC Quarterly Zine: Brexit Impacts – April 2023

March Enews 2023

WRC Quarterly Zine (4) Health and Wellbeing – January 2023

Lobbying, Policy and Research Bulletin – September 2022

Lobbying, Policy and Research Bulleting – March 2022

Lobbying, Policy and Research Bulletin – January 2022

End of Year Bumper Enews and Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – December 2021

WRC Enews – November 2021

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – November 2021

WRC Enews – September 2021

Lobbying, Policy and Research Bulletin – September 2021

WRC Enews – August 2021

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – August 2021

WRC Enews – July 2021

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – July 2021

WRC Enews – June 2021

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – June 2021

WRC Enews – May 2021

Lobbying, Policy and Research Bulletin – May 2021

WRC Enews – April 2021

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – April 2021

WRC Enews – March 2021

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin  – March 2021

WRC Enews – February 2021

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – February 2021

WRC Enews – January 2021

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – January 2021

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – December 2020

WRC Enews – November 2020

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – November 2020

WRC Enews – October 2020

Lobbying Policy and Research Bulletin – October 2020

WRC Enews – September 2020

Covid-19 Women’s Sector Update from WRC – September 2020

WRC Enews – August 2020

Covid-19 Women’s Sector Update from WRC – August 2020

WRC Enews – July 2020

Covid-19 Women’s Sector Update from WRC – July 2020

WRC Enews – June 2020

Covid-19 Women’s Sector Update from WRC – June 2020

WRC Enews – May 2020

Covid-19 Women’s Sector Update from WRC – May 2020

Covid-19 Women’s Sector Update from WRC – April 2020

WRC Enews – April 2020

WRC Enews – March 2020

WRC Enews – February 2020

WRC Enews – January 2020

WRC Enews – November 2019

WRC Enews – October 2019

WRC Enews – September 2019

WRC Enews – August 2019

WRC Enews – July 2019

WRC Enews – June 2019

WRC Enews – May 2019

WRC Enews – April 2019


Commissioned by: OFMDFM

Women’s Resource & Development Agency, Children in Northern Ireland and Women’s Information Northern Ireland joint response to OFMDFM’s “Delivering Social Change Through Childcare” Strategy, November 2015

Author: WRDA, CiNI and WINI


Commissioned by: OFMDFM

NIRWN’s consultation response to OFMDFM’s “Delivering Social Change Through Childcare” Strategy, November 2015

Author: NIRWN


Commissioned by: NI Executive

Sets out the framework, principles and a range of key first actions to help deliver the Executive’s vision for childcare. A more comprehensive childcare strategy is set to follow shortly.

Author: NI Executive


Commissioned by: Women’s Regional Consortium

Draws on research carried out during throughout the first half of 2014 to identify gaps and unmet needs in education and training affecting women in disadvantaged and rural areas.

Author: Women’s Regional Consortium


I Feel Targeted and I Can’t Feel Safe: Peer research of sex workers’ experiences under the law

Commissioned by: Sex Worker’s Alliance Ireland

This report presents research into the harms experienced by people engaged in sex work due to the introduction of the Nordic Model to ROI and NI in 2017.

Download Here


Our Labour Rights in the Face of the Onslaught of Corporate Power: Feminist Visions and Alternatives

Commissioned by: DAWN

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Act with us and for us: programme design consultations with adolescent girls

Commissioned by: PLAN International

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The Case for Holistic Investment in Girls

Commissioned by: PLAN International

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Shorter working week newsletter from NEF

Commissioned by: WRDA

Evidence submitted to the Justice Committee by WRDA in relation to the Domestic Abuse Bill 2020.

Author: Rachel Powell


Commissioned by: WRDA

A guide to best practice on involving women in public consultations.

Author: Kellie Turtle


Commissioned by: WRDA

Includes summaries of speeches, workshop discussions and policy recommendations given at a conference around the theme of bringing a gender awareness to the Shared Future agenda.

Author: WRDA

Why Women Only Services and their Benefits

Commissioned by: WRDA

This paper seeks to demonstrate the need and benefit of women-only services across Northern Ireland as well as providing the women’s community and voluntary sector with a tool to lobby for funding as well as to highlight the uniqueness and benefits of women-only services, not just for women but families and the community as a whole.

Author: Ellen Finlay

The Gender Agenda: Youth Perspectives from across the Commonwealth

Rights based policy paper from the  Commonwealth Youth Gender and Equality Network (CYGEN)

Download here 


Commissioned by: Women’s Centre Derry

A report on a pilot project seeking to develop a rights based approach to women’s empowerment.

Author: The Women’s Centre Derry


Commissioned by: WSN

Comprises an audit of the work of WSN members in Europe.



Commissioned by: WSN, Women into Politics

Puts fowards the findings of a conference on global feminism.

Author: WSN & Women Into Politics


Commissioned by: WRDA

A series of demands on gender equality issues, directed at local descision makers.

Author: Women’s Policy Group

Using digital technology to end child, early and forced marriage and reduce adolescent pregnancy
Commissioned by: PLAN International
In their own voice: girls and young women on the impact of COVID-19.
Commissioned by: PLAN International

Commissioned by: LASI

A leaflet prepared by HereNI discussing fertility options for Lesbian individuals and couples.

Author: LASI


Commissioned by: Women’s Policy Group

A consultation response on behalf of the Women’s Policy Group prepared by the Women’s Sector Lobbyist.

Author: Women’s Policy Group


WRDA Response to NICE Inducing Labour Update [GID-NG10008] Consultation on Draft Guideline – July 2021

WPG Endorsement of WRDA Response to NICE Inducing Labour Update [GID-NG10008] Consultation on Draft Guideline – July 2021


Commissioned by: Women’s Budget Group

Summary of the impact of cuts to local authority budgets on women.

Author: Heather Wakefield


Commissioned by: WSN

This paper examines the research on current debt levels and the different types of borrowing available with a focus on problem debt and high cost lending especially for those on low incomes. The overall aim of this research project is to explore the perspectives of women living and working in disadvantaged and rural areas of Northern Ireland on why they need to borrow money, where they go get this money and their experiences of using different forms of lending, particularly the more expensiveforms of credit.

Author: Siobhán Harding


Commissioned by: WCRP

This report into the barriers facing women living in disadvantaged areas was commissioned by the Women’s Centres Regional Partnership with funding from the Voluntary and Community Unit of the Department for Social Development. The aim was to carry out a baseline study detailing the position of women in disadvantaged communities, providing analysis of barriers to participation and indicating key policy issues to be addressed.

Author: WCRP


Commissioned by: WRDA

Snapshots the position of women in rural Northern Ireland on public bodies, voluntary agencies, political representation, etc, to illustrate the low levels of representation in decision making, in the context of the Review of Public Administration (RPA).

Author: Marie Crawley


Commissioned by: WEFT

Considers issues of gender mainstreaming and the use of focus groups and audits to illustrate understanding and demonstrate current levels of representation.

Author: Marie Crawley & Louise O’Meara


Commissioned by: NIRWN

An indepth exploration of NIRWN’s priority areas, Caring responsibilities; Rural Transport; Rural Development; Education and Training of Women; Rural Women, Poverty and the Economy and Social Isolation, Health and Wellbeing.

Author: Louise Coyle


Commissioned by: VOICES Participation for Social Justice with NIRWN

Looks at the barriers affecting women’s access to public and statutory services in rural communities in Northern Ireland.

Author: Karen Henry


Commissioned by: Rural Network for Northern Ireland

Case studies of rural women who are making a difference in their communities.

Author: Rural Network for Northern Ireland

New Economics Foundation

Commissioned by: WSN

Examines the specialist advice services available to women in the greater Belfast area.

Author: WSN


Commissioned by: Women’s Regional Consortium

Captures a snapshot of women’s perceptions of the demand for and the actual/potential role of community-based women-only advice in the context of ongoing austerity and associated poverty.

Author: Women’s Regional Consortium


Dawn Informs on Public-Private Partnerships

Commissioned by: DAWN

Download here


Free to be online? A report on girls’ and young women’s experiences of online harassment

Commissioned by: PLAN International

Download here


Commissioned by: WRDA

Analyses the impact of the financial crisis on women, including lone parents, migrant women, young women and older women, with a particular focus given to pensions, welfare reform, debt and credit, housing, and energy debt. Includes a summary of policy recommendations for each government department.

Author: Bronagh Hinds

The Feminist Foreign Policy Reading List
This list compiled by the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy and intends to provide easy access to material on the topic.

Commissioned by: TWN

Explores and highlights the difficulty that the notion of ‘Forgiveness’ poses in attempting to accept and resolve issues about historical events, such as those that occured during the Northern Ireland conflict. The report itself has been a result of a close working partnership between TWN, The Institute of Governance (QUB), The Forgiveness Project and various community, victim and voluntary groups across the Northern Ireland.

Author: Michael Potter


Commissioned by: CFNI, WRDA, NWCI, Foundations for Peace

Offers local decision makers guidance on how best to incorporate the views of women into peacebuilding and the development of policy.

Author: Bronagh Hinds and Debbie Donelly


Commissioned by: WRDA

The Women’s Resource and Development Agency carried out this research to give voice to women in North Belfast, by capturing their lived experiences and how they individually, their families, their communities, and in turn, their geographical and cultural relationships have been affected.

Author: Kellie O’Dowd


Commissioned by: WRDA

This paper is a summary report on the findings and recommendations of the Reclaiming the Bonfires project.

Author: Kellie O’Dowd

Commissioned by: WCRP, WRDA

Explores women’s accounts of their own experiences of the conflict in Northern Ireland.

Author: WRDA/ WCRP

Commissioned by: TWN

Supported by a bursary from NI-CO, the TWN Policy and Research Officer went to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5-9 November 2007 to make connections with organisations working in the area of gender equality and to investigate comparisons between the post-conflict contexts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Northern Ireland in terms of women’s empowerment.

Author: TWN


Commissioned by: TWN

Draws on the experiences and differences that women went through alongside their male counterparts during the conflict in Northern ireland and examines the needs of women today in our post-conflict society.

Author: Michael Potter

Commissioned by: TWN

Assesses how far the promises of the Belfast Agreement have been achieved in providing the necessary resources to meet the needs of victims and places women within the context of the victims sector.

Author: Michael Potter


Commissioned by: TWN

Investigates women’s role in peacebuilding. Debates relating to innate passivity in women, socialisation processes, differential impact of conflict and coincidental factors are explored. Notions of civil society are also examined and how women are included (or not) in the theory.

Author: Michael Potter


Commissioned by: CFNI, WRDA, NWCI

Looks at the key instruments, initiatives and activities related to UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, with particular focus on Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Author: C. O’Rouke and K. McMinn


Gendered Anti-Muslim Hatred and Islamophobia

Commissioned by: Tell Mama

Commissioned by: WRC

This is the writeup of a survey of the members of the seven partners making up the Women’s Regional Consortium. The survey was concluded in August 2022.

Author: Megan McClure Botha


Commissioned by: WRDA

Offers a brief history of women’s contribution to Belfast, with individual biographies of notable women.

Author: Margaret Ward


Commissioned by: WSN

Relays women’s experiences of community service placements in three women’s centres in Northern Ireland.

Author: WSN


Commissioned by: WSN

Presents the findings of a pilot Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis of two programmes within two different organisations, Ardoyne Women’s Group and Women’s Information Northern Ireland (formerly Women’s Information Group).

Author: WSN


Commissioned by: Women’s Regional Consortium

In May 2020 the Women’s Regional Consortium conducted a survey to collect evidence on the impact of Covid-19 and the resulting ‘lockdown’ on women’s groups and organisations.

Author: Megan McClure Botha


Commissioned by: Women’s Regional Consortium

This is the writeup of a survey of the members of the seven partners making up the Women’s Regional Consortium. The survey was concluded in April 2020.

Author: Megan McClure Botha


Commissioned by: WSN

Identifies the social and economic development activities and good practice in the work of eight women’s centres.

Author: Ruth Tallon/ WSN


Commissioned by: WSN

Report on women’s opinions about Brexit. The report also looks at the possible gendered impacts of Brexit.

Author: Caroline Walsh


Commissioned by: WSN

Explores sustainability in community based women’s sector, presenting toolkit on same.

Author: WSN


Commissioned by: WSN

Summarises findings of SROI pilot projects on programmes in Belfast women’s centres and WINI.

Author: WSN


Commissioned by: WRDA

Three themes emerged as key factors to ensure engagement of women from disadvantaged and rural areas in the Community Planning process.

Author: Women’s Sector Lobbyist


WRDA Evidence Submission and Endorsement to Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs on the Climate Change Bill – July 2021

WPG Submission to Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs on the Climate Change Bill – July 2021

National Women’s Council of Ireland – Towards a National Action Plan Against Racism in Ireland


Assembly Election 2022 Candidate Question Pack