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November 2019 – Northern Ireland Women’s Manifesto

Manifesto prepared by the Women’s Policy Group
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March 2019 – Brexit Jargon Buster

Glossary of common terms associated with the UK’s exit from the EU.
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March 2019 – NIRWN Brexit Brief

Update on Brexit following the 29th March Leave date and NIRWN’s efforts to make sure the voice of rural women in NI is heard.
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March 2016 – Brieifing on Department of Justice’s ‘Domestic Abuse Offence and Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme – a Consultation’

outlines an ongoing consultation exercise from the Department of Justice (hereafter, DOJ) on domestic violence and abuse, which considers potential enhancements to victim protection and crime prevention in this area of offending. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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November 2015 – Brieifing on Review of the Role and Regulation of the Private Rented Sector (DSD)

Outlines an ongoing consultation exercise from the Department for Social Development (hereafter, DSD): ‘Review of the role and regulation of the private rented sector’. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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September 2014 – Briefing on Gender Equality Strategy 2006-2016 Review (OFMDFM)

Outlines in clear terms the content of the recently released midterm review of the Northern Ireland Executive’s current gender equality strategy. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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November 2023 – Women’s Regional Consortium response to the Women & Equalities Committee Inquiry into the Impact of the Rising Cost of Living on Women.

May 2023 – Work & Pensions Committee: Inquiry into Benefit Levels in the UK

January 2023 – Call for Evidence – Debt Respite Policy Proposals for Northern Ireland
Issued by: Department for Communities

January 2023 – All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty Call for evidence into the (in)adequacy of social security benefit rates 

June 2022 – Work and Pensions Committee Call for evidence on the Cost of Living

May 2022 – Westminster Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Call for evidence on the effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland

September 2021 – A Submission to: Call for Evidence and Views on the Climate Change (No.2) Bill Issued By: Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee

Prepared by Siobhán Harding from WSN on behalf of the Women’s Regional Consortium. This response stresses that any targets set by legislation should be based on the most up to date scientific evidence available rather than political opinion.

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January 2021 – A Submission to: All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty

Prepared by Siobhán Harding from WSN on behalf of the Women’s Regional Consortium. This response highlights the need to retain the uplift in Universal Credit,
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May 2019 – A Submission to: Joint Inquiry into Welfare Policy in Northern Ireland

Prepared by Siobhán Harding from WSN on behalf of the Women’s Regional Consortium. This response highlights the fact that women experience greater impacts from Austerity cuts than men,
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November 2015- Written submission on the Rural Need’s Bill

NIRWN, as a member of the Women’s Regional Consortium funded through DSD, welcome the opportunity to submit our views and comments regarding the Rural Needs Bill.
Email Louise at NIRWN to learn more.
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September 2014 – Response to Review of Women in Politics and the Northern Ireland Assembly (Assembly and Executive Review Committee)

Draws attention to the main barriers facing women who wish to enter politics, such as the adversarial nature of our political system, while suggesting measures that could be introduced to encourage more women to seek election. Email Louise at NIRWN to learn more.
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Response to: Modernising Support for Independent Living: The Health and Disability Green Paper Issued by: Department for Work & Pensions – May 2024

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Response to: Water and sewerage charges – options for revenue raising Issued by: Department for Infrastructure – March 2024

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Response to: Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure and Support Policy Framework – March 2024

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Response to: Domestic Rating Measures – February 2024

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Response to: Financial context for revenue raising consultations – January 2023

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Response to: Consultation on the “Re-introduction of Hospital Parking Charges” as a measure to support budget sustainability by raising additional revenue –  January 2023

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Response to: Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Consultation – September 2023

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Response to: Consultation on a Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls and Foundational Action Plan. Issued by: The Executive Office – July 2023

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Response to: Consultation on Free Period Products. Issued by: The Executive Office
September 2023

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Response to: Consultation on free and discounted fares on public transport (concessionary fares). Issued by: Department for Infrastructure – August 2023

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Changes to the Discretionary Support Scheme EQIA Issued by: Department for Communities – July 2023

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Women’s Regional Consortium Response to: Budget 2023-2024 Equality Impact
Assessment – May 2023

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Women’s Regional Consortium Response to Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy Consultation – May 2023

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Women’s Regional Consortium Response to Miscarriage Leave and Pay Consultation – December 2022

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Women’s Regional Consortium Response to The Reform of Adult Social Care – June 2022

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Women’s Regional Consortium Response to Improving the effectiveness of Hate Crime Legislation in Northern Ireland

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Women’s Regional Consortium Response to: Call for Views – Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy and Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy – March 2022

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Women’s Regional Consortium Response to the Employment (Zero Hours
Workers and Banded Weekly Working Hours) Bill – February 2022

Women’s Regional Consortium Response Letter to Zero Hours Contracts Bill

Women’s Regional Consortium Consultation Response to Housing Supply Strategy Consultation February 2022

Women’s Regional Consortium NI response to Housing Supply Strategy

Women’s Regional Consortium Consultation Response to Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill Survey Dec 2021

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October 2021- Women’s Regional Consortium Consultation Response to the Dept for Work and Pensions –  Shaping future support: the health and disability green paper

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Women’s Regional Consortium Endorsement and Response to Future Planning Model – Integrated Care System NI Draft Framework

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August 2021 – Response to: A Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland –Skills for a 10x Economy

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August 2021 – Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill Survey issued by Committee for the Economy

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July 2021 – Response to: Call for Views on the Climate Change Bill Issued By: Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee

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May 2021 – Response to: Housing Supply Strategy – Call for Evidence Issued by: Department for Communities

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March 2021 – Response to: Peace Plus Programme 2021-2027

Women’s Regional Consortium Response to Peace Plus Consultation

March 2021 – Response to: Programme for Government draft Outcomes Framework

March 2021 – Response to: Carer’s Bill issued by Mervyn Storey MLA

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Feb 2021 – Response to: Draft DfC Budget 2021-2022

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Feb 2021 – Response to: Draft Equality Impact Assessment – Draft DfC Budget 2021-2022

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Feb 2021 – Response to: Consultation on the creation of a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland. Issued by: Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights

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Jan 2021 – Response to: A proposal for a Bill to ensure free access to sanitary products, including in schools, colleges and universities Issued by: Pat Catney MLA

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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Jan 2021 – Response to: Domestic Abuse Leave Bill Consultation Issued by: Rachel Woods MLA

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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Dec 2020- Response to: Draft Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031

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Dec 2020- Women’s Regional Consortium response to Zero Hours Contract Bill Consultation Issued by Jemma Dolan MLA

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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March 2020- Women’s Regional Consortium response to Second Independent Review of the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Assessment Process in Northern Ireland

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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August 2020- Women’s Regional Consortium consultation response to Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay issued by the Department for Economy

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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August 2020 – Women’s Regional Consortium consultation response to the Carer’s Leave consultation by the Dept for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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June 2020 – Response to: Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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April 2020 – Unequal impact: Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the impact on people with protected characteristics

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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April 2020 – A Response to: Hate Crime Legislation in Northern Ireland

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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April 2020 – Women’s Policy Group Response to the Westminster Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry on COVID-19 and the Impact on People with Protected Characteristics

This response has been undertaken by the Women’s Policy Group

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April 2020 – Women’s Regional Consortium Response to Work & Pensions Committee Inquiry into Universal Credit Five Week Wait for First Payment

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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November 2019 – A Response to: Section 75 Equality Action Plan from Department for Communities

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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October 2019 – A Response to: Good Work Plan: Proposals to Support Families

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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August 2019 – A Response to: Reshaping Breast Assessment Services

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding. The document is informed by a number of focus groups and individual interviews.

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August 2019 – A Response to: A New Future for Childcare in Northern Ireland Pre-Consultation Paper

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding

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June 2019 – Response to: ECNI Revised Policy and Procedures for Complaints and Investigations

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding

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April 2019 – Response to: Draft Domestic Abuse Bill

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding

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April 2019 – Response to: Review of the Law on Child Sexual Exploitation: Consultation on Policy Proposals

This response deals with the new offence of upskirting only and has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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February 2019 – Response to: Stalking-A Serious Concern

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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January 2019 – Response to: Preliminary Report on Justice Delivery around Serious Sexual Offences. Issued by: The Gillen Review

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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November 2018 – Response to Ireland’s Third National Action Plan; Women, Peace and Security

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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October 2018 – Response to ECNI Corporate Plan 2019-2022

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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July 2018 – Response to Department of Justice Domestic Homicide Review

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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May 2018 – Response to Northern Ireland Office ‘Addressing the Legacy of Northern Ireland’s Past’

This response has been undertaken by Women’s Support Network Policy Worker, Siobhán Harding.

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February 2018 – Response to Department of Health Equality Disability Action Plan 2018 -2023

This response has been undertaken collaboratively by the members of the Consortium for the Regional Support for Women in Disadvantaged and Rural Areas.

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January 2018 – Response to DoF Briefing NI Budgetary Outlook 2018-2020

NIRWN’s response to proposed cuts to rural affairs programming and the negative impact such cuts would have on already disadvantaged rural women.
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December 2017 – Response to: A Fundamental Review of Social Housing Allocations – Consultation on Proposals

This response has been undertaken collaboratively by the members of the Consortium for the Regional Support for Women in Disadvantaged and Rural Areas.
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March 2017 – Response to Children and Young People’s Strategy 2017-2027 Consultation Document

This response has been undertaken collaboratively by the members of the Consortium for the Regional Support for Women in Disadvantaged and Rural Areas.
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December 2016 – Response to Draft Programme for Government

This response has been undertaken collaboratively by the members of the Consortium for the Regional Support for Women in Disadvantaged and Rural Areas.
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December 2016 – WRDA response to Draft Programme for Government

WRDA as a member of the Women’s Regional Consortium, respond to consultation.
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November 2016 – WRDA response to the Executive Office Consultation on proposals for the withdrawal of two compendia official statistics publications – ‘A profile of older people in Northern Ireland’ and ‘Gender Equality Statistics’ annual publications

WRDA as a member of the Women’s Regional Consortium, respond to consultation. Email Katie at WRDA to learn more.
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November 2016 – Response to: ‘A consultation paper on proposals for the provision of strategic support to the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland 2017-2021’

This response has been undertaken collaboratively by the members of the Consortium for the Regional Support for Women in Disadvantaged and Rural Areas. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
Download paper.

September 2016 – Response to: Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Funding Model: Consultation Document

This response has been undertaken collaboratively by the members of the Consortium for the Regional Support for Women in Disadvantaged and Rural Areas. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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July 2016 – WRDA Response to Draft Programme for Government

WRDA as a member of the Women’s Regional Consortium, respond to consultation. Email Katie at WRDA to learn more.
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July 2016 – Response to: Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21

NIRWN, as a member of the Women’s Regional Consortium, respond to consultation. Email Louise at NIRWN to learn more.
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July 2016 – Response to: Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21

This response has been undertaken collaboratively by the members of the Consortium for the Regional Support for Women in Disadvantaged and Rural Areas.
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April 2016 – Response to: Domestic Abuse Offence and Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme – a Consultation (DoJ)

This response has been undertaken collaboratively by the members of the Consortium for the Regional Support for Women in Disadvantaged and Rural Areas.
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March 2016 – Response to Sustainable Rural Communities: Consultation Review of the Housing Executive’s Rural Housing Policy

NIRWN, as a member of the Women’s Regional Consortium, respond to consultation. Email Louise at NIRWN to learn more.
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February 2016 – Response to DARDNI’s consultation on adopting online as the primary chanel of communicating and transacting between DARD and customers (DARD)

NIRWN, as a member of the Women’s Regional Consortium, respond to consultation. Email Louise at NIRWN to learn more.
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January 2016 – Response to DSD’s consultation on its review of the private rented housing sector (DSD)
This response is informed by women’s views and perspectives articulated during qualitative research engagement. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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November 2015 – Response to Delivering social change through childcare: a ten year strategy for afforadable and integrated childcare 2015-2025 (OFMDFM)
The Women’s Regional Consortium welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation, particularly as the draft strategy is explicitly framed in anti-poverty discourse and related narratives about the promotion of gender equality. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
Download response.

August 2015 – Response to Co-operating to Safeguard Children and Young People in NI (DHSSPS)
Welcomes the Executive’s intent to develop cross-departmental strategic policy which aims at ensure the safeguarding of children and young people, but stresses the importance of developing this in a way which properly captures and addresses the complexity of interacting issues. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
Download response.

June 2015 – Response to Social Housing Reform (DSD)
Welcomes the consultation exercise as affirmation of the Executive’s intent to address the regulatory requirement for ‘[future] rules and standards [in Northern Ireland], which [will] ensure that social landlord and tenant services are maintained and delivered at the right level’ but holds concerns about the claimed potential of the proposals to deliver on this front. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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Febraury 2015 – Response to Sharing Works: A Policy for Shared Education (DOE)
Welcomes efforts to increase opportunity for shared learning, while stressing that this alone will not be enough to tackle educational underachievement in Northern Ireland. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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January 2015 – Response to the Criminal Law on Abortion, Lethal Foetal Abnormality and Sexual Crime (DOJ)
Gives support to reforms that would allow for abortion in cases where the pregnancy is the result of sexual crime or there is a fatal foetal abnormality, but argues these changes do not go far enough. Email Orlaith at WRDA to learn more.
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November 2014 – Response to Future Support of Independent Living Fund Users in Northern Ireland (DHSSPS)
Raises concerns about the fate of vulnerable disabled women in a post-ILF environment. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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September 2014 – Response to Zero Hour Contracts (DEL)
Expresses considerable concern about zero hour contracts, particularly because they tend to be far more beneficial to employers than employees. Email Rosie at FWIN to learn more.
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September 2014 – Response to A Sense of Belonging – Delivering Social Change through a Racial Equality Strategy for Northern Ireland 2014-2024 (OFMDFM)
Calls for robust action plans on racial equality, as well as drawing attention to the dearth of reliable evidence on the experiences of black and minority ethnic people in Northern Ireland. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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June 2014 – Response to Development of a Sexual Orientation Strategy and Action Plan (OFMDFM)
Welcomes the new strategy, but stresses that much more remains to be done at the level of policy, practice and legislation to effectively and sustainably promote and protect the rights of LGBT people in Northern Ireland. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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April 2014 – Response to Review of Apprenticeships Interim Report (DEL)
Argues any new model for apprenticeships in Northern Ireland should contain clear measures to encourage the participation of women. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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March 2014 – Response to Delivering Social Change for Children and Young People (OFMDFM)
Praises the attempt to combine commitments on children and young people into one document as ambitious, but argues that this approach risks combining too much from different sources, which could lead to some content becoming overshadowed. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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February 2014 – Response to Proposals for a Pension Bill – Equality Impact Assessment (DSD)
Raises concerns about impact reforming the pension system may have on the levels of pension poverty faced by women (and the population as a whole). Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
Download response.

January 2014 – Response to Policy Options Arising from the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (DARD)
Lays out our views on a number of the suggested reforms and emphasises the need for gender issues to be considered when deciding future arrangements. Email Louise at NIRWN to learn more.
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January 2014 – Response to Future Arrangements for Consumer Representation in Northern Ireland (DETI)
Objects to a reduction in the role of the Consumer Council. Instead, advocates an enhanced role for the Consumer Council as the best way forward. Email Caroline at WSN to learn more.
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October 2013 – Response to Development Proposals for the six EU Priorities for Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (DARD)
Gives our overall view of the programme, arguing that it needs to focus on the role and participation of women more clearly. Email Majella at NIRWN to learn more.
Download response.