Latest News

9th Dec @ 11am

Ever despaired at the news and wondered ‘What are they talking about anyway?’ then this is the workshop for you.

The UK exit from the EU has the potential to impact on the rights we currently enjoy and take for granted; maternity rights, working hours etc and we are still waiting on the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement Commitment for a Bill of Rights NI.

Rights are important but lots of the political conversation is so confusing and is often full of legal and technical jargon.

The aim of NIRWN’s workshop is to help you feel confident to join in the conversation about your rights. We will look at recent changes and explore their relevance to us; and consider the International standards and what might be important for us into the future.

We will cover the technical jargon e.g. Article 2 of the NI/Ireland Protocol, CEDAW, ECJ and participants will receive a copy of our jargon buster to keep.

To register for this free workshop please click here.