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NIRWN staff, trustees and members were delighted to attend an event in Enniskillen recently to discuss the findings of a report on ‘Gendering Constitutional Conversations in Northern Ireland: The Case of Irish Unification’, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

The report was written by Prof Fidelma Ashe from Ulster University, based on her research with women from across Northern Ireland, including NIRWN members and other women and groups from North and South.

The report discusses the aims, methodology and findings from two distinct but intersecting research projects funded by the Department for Foreign Affairs, Dublin (Gendering Cross-Border Debates on the Question of Irish Unification) and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (Gendering Constitutional Conversations and Design in Northern Ireland). The report’s findings identify barriers to women’s inclusion in constitutional debate and assesses pathways to facilitate the inclusion of women in discussing and imagining constitutional futures.

Click here to read the report