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In these very uncertain times it’s hard to know who you can rely on for help and support. We are in an unprecedented time of no government leading our country and it’s having a very significant impact on us all. We are experiencing a level of crisis we have never seen before, with multiple issues affecting each and every person.

We are being impacted by the cost of living, energy and fuel, inflation, social housing, debt, childcare costs and poverty. Having support right now is essential and that support is being provided by the community sector as always, we have always been the go-to for women but the help that is needed now is more complex.

There are schemes being setup in every community to help those most in need, from food banks, winter Coats, food vouchers, fuel vouchers, energy vouchers, period poverty supplies and children’s supplies.

These basic essentials are being provided out of necessity as our women can no longer bear the brunt of a failed system. They are mentally and physically exhausted trying to keep their heads above water, having to choose between feeding their children or heating their homes.

Women are the caregivers, they can be resourceful, but they are not magicians it’s not easy to make something when you have nothing.
This is why the community sector is vital, we can rally, feedback to politicians, create change and engage with decision makers about the struggles that these women are facing on a daily basis.

These complicated issues are at the forefront of the women’s regional consortium, we will always lobby, converse, engage and provide for the families of our communities because we value them and we understand what it takes to keep a community together and thriving.