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Together with the Public Health Agency (PHA) and the Age Friendly Network NI, Age NI has launched its healthy ageing calendar for 2023, which is being distributed to over 50,000 older people across Northern Ireland.

The Age NI 2023 wellbeing calendar is packed with expert advice and information aimed at supporting older people to keep well. This year’s focus is on moving more to live more, emphasising the importance of physical activity for both physical and mental wellbeing.

The calendar, which is being distributed through the Age Friendly Network NI, independent pharmacies and Age NI services, includes tips on all aspect of later life from healthy eating to staying safe from scams, energy-saving advice and exercise ideas to keep older people strong and mobile.

Click here if you or a loved one aged 65+ would like to request a FREE copy, or call Age NI on 02890 245729