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When the new year rolls around we all think about what we want to do differently. Maybe you want to learn a new skill, or change your lifestyle, exercise more, or just spend more time outdoors. Whatever it is, it’s possible to make these changes as you are invested and making small changes is an achievable goal.

If only everything else was just as easily achievable, like the funding crisis facing our community sector, or the current Cost of Living crisis. The lack of mental health services in N.I, absence of a Mother and Baby Unit, the lack of affordable Childcare, lack of Abortion Services. These services are vital and desperately needed yet the silence regarding any of these issues from our government is deafening.

The community sector is the backbone of society and without its services entire communities fall apart. We have always gone above and beyond providing help and assistance to those most in need.

Communities have needed our help with navigating the benefits system, employment system, education system, social care system, debt management, legal system etc. Where would they go to for support if we are no longer here? Who will help them? Who will fight on their behalf? Who will engage with high ranking officials about the challenges these people are experiencing.

The goal should always be to defend the needs of women and that includes the communities that serve them. We all want the same outcome a supportive community that we can engage with to help better ourselves and society.

By: Rayna Downey, Women’s Centre Derry