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Siobhán continues to carry out engagement with a range of people and organisations on the Consortium’s research paper on ‘Women Living with Debt’.

Since the research was published Siobhán has spoken about the findings, women’s experiences and recommendations at the following:

  • Speaking at NIWEP Webinar – Building on the Experiences of Women and Girls
  • BBC Good Morning Ulster Interview on paramilitary lending
  • BBC Radio Foyle Interview on paramilitary lending
  • Meeting Human Rights Consortium on ICESCR Submission – discussing where the research feeds into this work
  • UTV View from Stormont Interview on paramilitary lending
  • BBC Talkback interview on paramilitary lending
  • Speaking about the research and its findings at the launch of View Digital Magazine’s Cost of Living Crisis special edition
  • Speaking at the Women’s Budget Group 4-Nations Conference on Researching the Cost of Living Crisis – summary of research and Cost of Living aspects

The full version of the report is available on the Consortium’s website here

A shorter summary of the report is available on the Consortium’s website here