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June is Pride Month for the LGBTQ+ community. During this important celebration allies can show our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters that we love and support them. The LGBTQ+ community have made a vital impact on the world, as role models, community builders and civil rights activists.

We need pride month now more than ever; both to support our communities, as well as to educate and inform wider society about the harm and damage homophobia, biphobia and transphobia has on all of us. 

We should strive to carry the lessons of Pride all year round by being more inclusive, kinder, more tolerant and accepting to all members of our community.  We are all fighting battles in our own way and the aftermath of the Covid pandemic has been challenging for everyone.

So let’s celebrate every community, lend our voice to those that have none, wrap our arms around them all and say we are here, we have heard you, and we welcome you with open arms