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The Consortium’s research paper on ‘Women Living with Debt’ has been published and Siobhán has released the findings, recommendations and quotes from the women on social media over a number of weeks.

Siobhán continues to use the findings in the research paper and the women’s evidence to lobby and inform policy makers, politicians and others about the impacts of debt on women’s lives.  The research contains a considerable amount of evidence on the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on women and Siobhán continues to use this information to highlight these issues also.

Since the research was launched Siobhán has spoken about the findings at the following:

  • Launch of research with the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland.
  • Speaking about Cost of Living pressures on women at Relate Conference.
  • Summary of research to NI Women’s Budget Group meeting.
  • Took part in Listen to Her Voice Twitter space on cost of living pressures on women and the impact of debt.
  • Spoke about the research and cost of living impacts at Crushed by the Cost of Living Event at Stormont.
  • U105 Interview about Cost of Living pressures and debt research.
  • Women’s Policy Group meeting with the DUP at Stormont – discussing debt research and Cost of Living pressures.
  • Spoke about the research and Cost of Living pressures at meeting with UUP at Stormont.
  • Wrote an article for View Digital about Cost of Living pressures on women.
  • UTV Interview on Cost of Living issues for women at launch of Cost of Living Coalition Belfast Charter launch.
  • UTV News interview on the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on women at Cost of Living Coalition Belfast Rally.
  • Gave presentation to NIPSA Equality Committee on the women and debt research including cost of living pressures.
  • Spoke about research findings and cost of living pressures at NIHRC’s UN ICESCR roundtable.

Read the summary here

Read the full report here