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How has it come to this? Women are in the fight of their lives right now just to survive because of the Cost of Living Crisis and it is hard work.  People are desperate, we are seeing this day in and day out throughout the community sector, and its heart-breaking.

We are witnessing this destruction first hand and it’s not easy. We are in constant talks with MLA’S, local politicians and even the Dept First Minister, telling them your realities of this crisis, and its impact on you and your family.
Cost of Living Crisis cannot be a buzz phrase that is used in government rooms and in the media. This is a National Crisis, in which people are actually going without food and heat. NI currently has 1 in 4 children living in poverty right now. We have seen baby formula with security tags on it in supermarkets because women have become so desperate that they have actually had to steal it to feed their babies.

The community sector is trying to offer practical help and solutions to women every day.  We host various Energy save & Poverty workshops, we are connecting with other community facilities to provide financial help, issue food vouchers and winter coats etc, because other than us, these women have nowhere else to turn.

We need a Government in place to help us navigate these frightening times, we need them to understand that tit-for-tat politics cannot be the priority anymore, we are way beyond that.  Women and children are living Freezing Damp homes, without food, Gas or electricity. They are having to choose between electric and food, they have to glue their children’s shoes together because they can’t afford new ones, these are the issues that are important.

Elected officials need to don their armour pick up their swords, and start fighting for us and our children. Right now, we need to feel that there is hope. We want and deserve government to act now! Northern Ireland politicians need to can see the bigger picture, not just the colours on a flag.