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Siobhán continues to carry out engagement with a range of people and organisations on the Consortium’s research paper on ‘Women Living with Debt’.

Since the research was published Siobhán has spoken about the findings, women’s experiences and recommendations at the following:

  • Women Demand Better Rally in Belfast City Centre
  • Listen to Her Voice Twitter Space
  • Funders Forum Annual Conference
  • Meeting with Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Interview with a journalist from The Detail
  • Interview with a journalist from The Newsletter
  • Meeting with Doug Beattie and Robbie Butler, UUP
  • Meeting with Sinead McLaughlin and Cara Hunter, SDLP
  • Meeting with NI Anti-Poverty Network

The full version of the report is available on the Consortium’s website here.

A shorter summary of the report is available on the Consortium’s website here.