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Research launch.

Along with colleagues in Carers NI Siobhán Harding is finalising the text of the Consortium’s new research paper on Women, Unpaid Care and Employment.  The final report will include a wealth of feedback from women who took part in focus group sessions over the last few months as well as the results of survey data from Carers NI through their State of Caring report.

The research will be launched at the Stormont Hotel on Tuesday 27th February 2024 from 10am – 12.30pm.  The launch event will bring together unpaid carers, policy experts, business groups and more.  It will explore the challenges women face to finding or staying in employment when they’re caring for loved ones; the gendered expectations around unpaid caring that push so many women out of the labour market; and the changes to policy and practice that could help better support women who want to juggle unpaid caring with paid work.  The event will be chaired by Sinéad McLaughlin MLA and attendees will have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion throughout the event.

It would be great to see as many Consortium members, women who provide unpaid care and anyone with an interest at the event.   To attend the event or watch an online stream, please complete the online registration page.