Archive for category: Latest News

Keep the lifeline.

Holding Parties to Account in New Mandate

The Women’s Policy Group (WPG) published our Key Election Asks based on some of the outstanding recommendations from our Feminist Recovery Plan (FRP). The Women's Sector Lobbyist looked in detail at the election manifestos from Sinn Féin,…

Upcoming Research: Women and Debt

Siobhán has now completed a final draft of the ‘Women Living with Debt’ research paper.  It is still awaiting sign off by the Board of the Consumer Council and Siobhán will be presenting a summary of the report to the Board next week. …
We want to hear from you!

We Want to Hear from You: Adult Social Care Consultation

The Department of Health is consulting on the Reform of the Adult Social Care System in Northern Ireland.   Adult Social Care is a vital part of our Health and Social Care System and impacts on the lives of people across society including…
Have your say.

Public Consultation on Measures to Strengthen the Response to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking are heinous crimes that can affect anyone, of any age, gender or nationality. Criminals and organised crime groups seek to exploit and abuse vulnerable people for their own gains, and it is vital that we…
Consultation Response

The Effect of Paramilitaries on Society in Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee was seeking evidence into the effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland.  The inquiry is looking at the effectiveness of current measures aimed at tackling paramilitarism in Northern Ireland…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Campaign Update: Cliff Edge Coalition

Siobhán continues to work as part of the Working Group for the Cliff Edge Coalition on extending and strengthening the welfare mitigations package in Northern Ireland.  The focus of Cliff Edge work will now be on strengthening the mitigations…
Keep the lifeline.

Campaign Update: Keep the Lifeline

Siobhán continues to attend meetings of Keep the Lifeline to discuss ways in which the cut to Universal Credit can be kept on the political agenda.  Keep the Lifeline is also urging the Government to ensure that benefits keep up with the rising…
Keep the lifeline.

Campaign Update: NI Child Payment

Siobhán has joined a new Northern Ireland campaign for the introduction of a NI Child Payment.  This was a recommendation by the Gender Equality and Anti-Poverty Expert Panels and in the Feminist Recovery Plan.  The Coalition have prepared…
Keep the lifeline.

May Funding Opportunities

May 2022 Scheme Funder Note Date Thomas Wall Trust: Grants for Registered Charities Thomas Wall Trust Deadline for 1st stage 2 May 2022 The Theatres Trust: UK Theatres Small Grants Programme Theatres Trust Application…
Keep the lifeline.

Adult Social Care Consultation Open for Responses

The Department of Health is consulting on the Reform of the Adult Social Care System in Northern Ireland.   Adult Social Care is a vital part of our Health and Social Care System and impacts on the lives of people across society including…